Keep in mind that a global pandemic has also brought our economy to a grinding halt. This also means many, many employees furloughed and laid off. There is a fraction of the number of people trying to wear a lot of hats, most likely working more than they are getting paid for. So pack your patience, give grace, and allow extra for everything from airport check-ins to restaurant meals.
2. Stay Insured.
Travel insurance has always been highly recommended, especially when traveling internationally. Many countries are now requiring it as part of their guidelines for entering their country. Most times medical coverage via insurance companies does not extend outside the United States, so play it safe, stay insured to cover unforseen travel mishaps, last minute cancellations or postponements, and any medical issues.
3. Plan accordingly.
There are few countries that are allowing entry right now without a negative Covid test. Each country has different guidelines, as do some states. Be mindful of the type of test required, the time frame required, and the paperwork required that you will need.
4. Be flexible.
If you’re wanting to get out and travel, the best thing you can do is have an open mind on location and be flexible to change. This year is not the year to have the bar set on bucket list trips that may have last-minute changes.
5. Be Realistic.
This is not the year for rock bottom prices. We’ve had so many people contact us in recent months looking for “Covid deals”. Ew. Don’t. They’re not here. Is there some great specials being ran at amazing properties? Yes! Do we research to find the best pricing and options? Yes! However less countries open mean less options. And many countries are operating at limited occupancy (currently Mexico is at 60%), allowing less rooms available. Most flights have been cut to a fraction, and some airlines are taking less on each flight to allow more distancing, meaning less options and availability. If you’re really looking for some great value, start planning for summer and beyond- much more availability and options for us to work with!
6. Be Safe.
It should go without saying, but respect those around you and don’t travel ill. Sanitize, wash your hands, and respect social distancing.
7. Read the fine lines.
Almost all airlines are offering flexibility and waiving change fees now, which is great! If you find amazing pricing, make sure you read the fine print, especially with homes and villas, to protect your investment. Make sure you’re aware of cancellation deadlines, refund options, and change options so you don’t end up losing money should you need to postpone or cancel.
8. Pack Accordingly.
Airlines are not having the same amenities offered in Economy that they once did, and many airports are not fully open with restaurants and such. Many hotels are not doing the same housekeeping they normally do during your stay… all that to say, if you remember nothing else, pack snacks and wipes!
9. Check in with your employer.
Many employers are requiring a quarantine or negative Covid test before returning to work, and some are prohibiting international travel or even out of state travel right now. Check in before planning and trip and make sure you’re not going to run into any issues upon your return.
10. Use a Travel Advisor.
You had to have seen that one coming right? Number 1-9 are now part of our regime when booking your travel, so we make sure all those are taken care of, and stay on top of current regulations and what’s required. So just let the pros handle it so you can be confident you’re working with a professional, so you can stay safe, worry less, and have a great vacation! If you’d like some help with travel planning, we’ll love to get started- send us an email at .
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